Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When does the season start?

Evaluations and practices will start March for AA and A if there is enough interest from players. (12 players are needed)
Evaluations and practices will start in mid April for Rep and House teams.
Games will start in the beginning of May.

What equipment does my player need for Rally Cap?

mandatory items: helmet, glove, athletic attire, running shoes

optional: protective jock/jill, cleats, ball cap, sunscreen/bug spray, bat

What equipment does my player require to play U9 to U18?

mandatory: grey baseball pants(some teams may use white baseball pants - ask coach), belt, protective jock/jill, helmet, glove, ball cap for practice.

recommended: sunscreen, bug spray, sunglasses

optional: bat

supplied: jersey, baseball hat, catcher equipment, balls, bats

What days/time of the week do the Rally Cap teams play?

Rally Cap teams play on either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday from 6-7pm at Diamond #2 (River Drive/Rideau Street).

What days/time of the week does U9 to U18 play?

The days and times of the week that U9 to U18 teams will practice and play vary between each team and is dependent on the Baseball Alberta game schedule. Practice nights will be between Monday-Thursday and either 6-7:30pm or 7:30-9pm. Games will be during the week and possibly on weekends.

DBA will post the schedule on our website and will email the schedule when it is available.

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